Competition Coffee Omar balanced and sweet

Competition coffee Omar balanced and sweet

Competition coffee Omar balanced and sweet

Caficultor: Omar Javier Serna Restrepo

MICRO-LOT – 89 points

Municipality: Andes

Township: San Peruchito

Farm: La Gloria

Variety: Castillo

Altitude: 1970 m

Fermantation 24 h, washed

Dried: sun

Notes: Sweet, honey, grain, malted, chocolate, cacao, tea finish, peach aroma red apple, green apple, balanced, round, toffee, sweet, guava, liquorish, syrupy, amazing complexity, balanced body, sweetness acidity

Competition Coffee Jhon Hernandez nutty body

Competition Coffee Jhon Hernandez nutty body

Competition Coffee Jhon Hernandez nutty body

Caficultor – Jhon Jairo Murillo Hernandez

MICRO-LOT – 90 points

Municipality: Caicedo
Township: Asesi
Farm: Azucena
Variety: Caturra – Colombia
Meters above sea level: 2208 m
Fermantation 48 h, washed
Dried: sun – mechanical
Notes: Very nice red berry after tase, floral perfume, soft peach, lavender, multiple levels of sweetness, dark cherry, green apple, really bright lemongrass sprinkled with vanilla, Lemoncillo, sugar cane, honey, nutty body, bergamot

Packed in 24 kg boxes, 29 pieces

Competition Coffee Didier Diosa sweet red fruits

Competition Coffee Didier Diosa sweet red

Competition Coffee Didier Diosa sweet red fruits

Caficultor – Didier Alexander Murrilo Diosa

Micro-Lot – 90 points

Municipality: Caicedo

Township: Asesi

Farm: La Fortuna

Variety: Caturra – Colombia

Altitude: 2189 m

Processed: Fermentation 36 h – washed

Drying: Sun


Sweet red fruits, complex, floral, complete, clean, balanced, vibrant acidity. Port wine, strawberry, plum, caramel, molasses, orange, cream raspberries, hazelnut, dark berries, chocolate, honey.

Packed in 24 kg boxes, 29 pieces